The Ultra Beings
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The Ultra Beings ~

Ultra: going beyond others or beyond due limit.

Beings: the state or quality of having existence, the totality of all things that exist, the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence, the basic or essential nature; personality.

I so enjoy addressing the questions asked about my calling here on Earth. I am working and growing into all that I am in my calling. I love to watch the expressions on the faces when I say that I communicate as a messenger, as an Ultra Being for a large group counsel, the counsel of my Soul. I have grown to refer to them as "The Ultra Beings".

When I state this to others I see responses as everything from an eased lean forward to a large step back in the people that I answer. Most people then ask me "what is this group that you work with, what is an Ultra Being, how did they choose you and who are they?

For now, for ease and understanding I love the definition above, combined ... thank you Merriam-Webster for your help.

Now ...

I work directly with a highly evolved, lovingly resolved Source group that I call "The Ultra Beings".

I am an Ultra Being. I've grown to be so respectful of the trust that LOVE has in me, that I am unable to aim at being anything less than an Ultra Being.

YOU are an Ultra Being too if you want to be. Read the definition again.